Genting Highland Tour from KL Sentral Station

Bus From KL Sentral To Genting Highlands

Genting Express Bus Service buses leaving every hourly from KL Sentral. Ticketing Office is Located at Lower Ground Floor of KL Sentral, below the escalator. If you are not sure about the location of the bus station, just follow the signage or ask at the information counter.
Fare: The one-way fare inclusive of a Genting Skyway ride is RM 10.70 per adult and RM 9.60 per child
Schedule: The first bus start at 8am- 7pm (hourly) from KL Sentral Station.
Tips 1: remember to book your return ticket the moment you arrive at genting or you will have to wait for hours to get a seat.
Tips 2: It will take you only the Genting Skyway Lower Station at Awana and from here you have to take the cable car up to Genting.
For more information on the bus service from KL Sentral to Genting, visit go genting website at

Accommodation at Genting Highlands

Ria Apartment

Resort Hotel Genting Highlands

For more information of Genting Highlands hotels, visit this website:


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